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Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $today = date("F j, Y"); ?>
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Eco-$mart Mail-room
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Email messages not retrieved.

"); }else{ while($set = mysql_fetch_array($setit)){ $MID = $set[0]; $subject = $set[1]; $mess = $set[2]; $messo = substr($mess, 0, 40); $listit = $set[3]; $emailed = explode(':',$listit); $emailedit = array_slice($emailed, 1); $listcount = count($emailedit); $listleft = $set[4]; $listol = explode(':',$listleft); $listl = array_slice($listol, 1); $leftcount = count($listl); $dtnum = $set[5]; $chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($dtnum, 2, ':'); $chunk_arrd = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum); $datus = $chunk_arrd[2].'/'.$chunk_arrd[3].'/'.$chunk_arrd[0].$chunk_arrd[1]; echo("" . "" . "" . "" . "
" . "$subject" . " - Last Sent: $datus
Sent to $listcount recipients" . " - Remaining Recipients: $leftcount
"); if($leftcount > 0){ echo(""); } if($leftcount < 1){ echo("" . ""); } echo(""); echo("
" . "
" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
". "Recycle This Email" . "
" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
" . "
" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
" . "
" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
"); } } ?>
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