if($print == "yes"){
$goprint = "onLoad='javascript:printWindow()'";
}//if not coming from mycatalog
$goprint = "";
if($fr == "iaq"){
$subcat = "Energy Recovery Ventilators";//category name
$back = "catac1.php?fr=iaq";//category address
$head = "catiaqhead.js";
$head = "catiaqheadprint.js";
$subcat = "Energy Recovery Ventilators";//category name
$back = "catac1.php?fr=";//category address
$head = "catachead.js";
$head = "catacheadprint.js";
$page_name="catac1_r";//this page name w no extensions
$prodname="Residential Energy Recovery Ventilator";
$mycat_link="Add to My Catalog";
$mycat_link="My Catalog";
$item = "AC-ERV-R";
$itemnames[]="Residential ConsERV Energy Recovery Ventilator";
$dbcnx = new mysqli('localhost', 'ecoszzqh_produser', 'cata1og', 'ecoszzqh_products');
foreach($items as $value){
$result = $dbcnx->query("SELECT list,retail,special,dealer,unit,cs FROM price WHERE item = '$value'");
if (!$result) {
$mess[]="Eco-\$mart Price: Quoted*";
$pay[] = "no";
$row = $result->fetch_row();
$list = $row['list'];
$retail = $row['retail'];
$special = $row['special'];
$dealer = $row['dealer'];
$unit = $row['unit'];
$cs = $row['cs']*1;
if($unit == "CS" and $cs > 0){
$unit = "CS*".$cs;
$caseit = "on";
$caseit = "off";
if($dealer !="" and $dealer!=0.00 and $dealer!="0.00" and $dealer>1){
if($status == 'wholesale'){$charge=$special; $bergen = 'Special';}
elseif($status == 'dealer'){$charge=$dealer; $bergen = 'Wholesale';}
else{$charge=$retail; $bergen = "";}
if($retail == "0.00" and $list == "0.00" or $retail="" or $list==""){
$mess[]="Eco-\$mart Price: Quoted";
$pay[] = "no";
if($retail != "0.00" and $list == "0.00"){
$pay[] = "yes";
$pay[] = "no";
}//print is yes
if($bergen != ""){
$mess[]="Regular Price: \$".$retail."" .
" Eco-\$mart ".$bergen." Price: \$".$charge."";
$mess[]="Eco-\$mart Price: \$".$charge." ".$unit."";
}//no special pricing
}//retail is not 0 and list is
else{//all present
$pay[] = "yes";
$pay[] = "no";
}//print is yes
if($bergen != ""){
$mess[]="List Price: \$".$list."".
" Regular Price: \$".$retail."" .
Eco-\$mart ".$bergen." Price: \$".$charge." ".$unit."";
}else{//list but no special pricing
$mess[]="List Price: \$".$list."".
" Eco-\$mart Price: \$".$charge." ".$unit."";
}//retail and list are 0.00
if($caseit == "on"){
$cso[] = $cs.":".$charge;
$casecharge = $charge * $cs;
$price[] = sprintf("%01.2f", $casecharge);
$price[] = $charge;
$cso[] = "";
}//no cases
}//got result
echo(" Item: $items[0] "); echo("Price: Quoted "); if($print!="yes"){ echo("" . "" . "Quote Request "); } ?> |
ConsERV Reduces:
smells and musty odors
conditions fostering mold
excess humidity
tobacco smoke
cooking odors
offgassing from carpets, paints, and other construction materials
ConsERV™ Brings Fresh Air Into Your Home – Without The Hassles. Opening the windows and doors of your home is a great way to bring in fresh air and wash out the stale, recirculated air. But, that can present a long list of problems: bad weather conditions, uncomfortable temperatures, security risks, humidity, pollen, dust or pests and noise. With the ConsERV system on, it is like being able to keep your windows and doors open, flowing a continuous stream of filtered fresh air every hour of the day, but without the hassle.
Lower Energy Bills – Lower Carbon Footprint
Indoor Air Pollution & Chemicals
How does the ERV work?
" . "" . "©2012 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . " (888) 329-2705" . " info@eco-smart.com" . " www.eco-smart.com" . " |
" .
" $mycat_link " . " << Return to $subcat" . " | ||
" . "" . "©2012 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . " (888) 329-2705" . " info@eco-smart.com" . " www.eco-smart.com" . " | " . " QUOTE " . " | " . " PRINT " . " |
" .
Eco-\$mart Representative: $repped Logged In. "); $dnum=date(Ymd)*4; mysql_select_db('ecosmar_website', $dbcnx); $checkrep=mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM psw WHERE usrn='$repped'"); if(!$checkrep){ $air[]="Could not verify rep. Error: ".mysql_error(); $show="off"; }else{ $row=mysql_fetch_array($checkrep); $uID=$row[0]; if($uID==""){ $air[]="Representative does not match records."; $show="off"; }else{ mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $getquote = $dbcnx->query("SELECT ID,CID FROM quotes WHERE usrn='$repped'"); if(!$getquote){ $air[]="Could not get quotes for ".$repped.". Error: ".mysql_error(); $show="off"; }else{ $numquos=mysql_num_rows($getquote); if($numquos < 1){ $show="off"; }else{//there are quotes while($rowq=mysql_fetch_array($getquote)){ $QIDs[]=$rowq['ID']; $CIDs[]=$rowq['CID']; }//while getting and filling arrays mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); foreach($CIDs as $value){ $getcon=mysql_query("SELECT first_Name,Name,Company FROM con_main WHERE ID='$value'"); if(!$getcon){ $air[]="Could not get contact info for contact. Error: ".mysql_error(); $show="off"; }else{ $rowc=mysql_fetch_array($getcon); $first_Name=$rowc[0]; $Name=$rowc[1]; $Company=$rowc[2]; if($Company!=""){ $quocos[]=$Company; }else{ $quocos[]=$first_Name." ".$Name; } }//got contact }//4each quote/contact ID }//there are quotes }//got quote foreach($items as $value){ if(in_array($value,$qoks)){ $ast[]=$value; }//in array with dealer prices }//4each items if(empty($ast)){ $air[]="No Quotes. No qualifying prices."; $show="off"; } if($show=="on"){ echo("");
foreach($air as $value){
echo(" ");
}//air is not empty
}//print is not yes
$value"); }//4each echo(" |