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Commercial and Residential
Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal heat pumps just might be the epitome of "ecologically sound, economically smart." They offer an immense opportunity to reduce pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. And they offer signifigant reductions in heating and cooling costs for any home or building. By tapping the energy that is naturally stored in the earth, the geothermal heat pump provides a way to have a truly green building that will pay for itself in energy savings. With current incentives for green buildings, some can even PROFIT from installing a Geothermal Heat Pump.

Item Number: AC-GTHP-*
Unit of Issue: System
Price: Quoted

Quote Request

More Information

System Illustrations PDF

Pool Heating PDF


Government Incentives PDF


Commercial Geothermal Heat Pumps Commercial Geothermal Heat Pumps
Systems, from 1-1/2 to 60 Tons, offer flexibility in design and application. With site specific options and easy installation, ROI can be realized quickly. Cost saving combined with incentives can result in actual profit.
Residential Geothermal Heat Pumps Residential Retrofit System
Lowering your monthly utility bills has never been easier with this single stage geothermal heat pump unit, offering best-in-class energy efficiency and lower operating costs.
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