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Eco-rubber Landscape & Safety
Eco-rubber Recycled Outdoor Surfaces

Eco-Rubber provides a variety of recycled rubber products for landscaping and outdoor safety surfacing. Pour in Place Rainbow Turf Outdoor Surface replaces all types of outdoor surfaces with style, easy maintenance, and environmental safety. Eco-Rubber Flexible Curbing comes in many sizes to be used anywhere from parking lot curbs to lawn edging and can be formed to fit most landscape design. The collection is rounded out with Play it Safe playground mats and a selection of pre-fabricated tree rings. All made from recycled rubber from discarded auto and truck tires.

Item Number: ER-RT-PIP

Unit of Issue: SqFt

Price: Quoted

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Recycled Materials85% to 100%
Recycled Rubber
Increased fall
height attenuation
Flexible Curbing from Recycled Rubber Flexible Curbing comes in several sizes to fill several needs. Parking lots can benefit from using a durable curb that can earn LEED credits. Landscape designers and home owners will enjoy its flexible formability to unique designs. Eco-rubber - Pour In Place Solutions Pour In Place Rainbow Turf Outdoor Surface replaces many different types of conventional outdoor surface. From a simple weed suppressing mulch to landscaped sidewalks and drives. The porous quality of the surface reduces puddling and allows quick drying of the surface after a rain.
Playground Safety Mats J Curb Flexible Curbing is designed to work with Eco-Rubber Pour-In-Place outdoor surface. The curb is keyed to create a safe, flexible, formable edge that interlocks with its contents. It keeps surface edging tight and secure. Playground Safety Mats Tree Landscaping is the perfect venue for Eco-Rubber Outdoor surface. It lets water and nutrients in and allows the ground to breath, yet suppresses weed growth, insects, mold and mildew. Available as pre-fabricated tree rings or pour in place into existing beds.
Playground Safety Mats Play-It-Safe Mat provides added safety under swings, slides, and other playground equipment where high fall height attenuation is required. It also provides a teaching mechanism for students to learn about recycling. Playground Safety Mats Play-It-Safe Tiles have an impact absorbant design with increased fall height attenuation that make them an excellent choice for playground and park safety. Slip resistant surface and easy interlocking assembly make them even more appealing.
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