"; $mycat=$_COOKIE['ecosmartmycat']; $page_name = "catfloor8_max"; $here=$page_name.".php"; $hereprint=$here."?print=yes"; $mycathere=$page_name.".php"; $page=$page_name;//change folder if needed $prodname="Eco-Max Recycled Rubber Tile"; if($mycat!=""){ $mycat_link="Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } $dbcnx = new mysqli('localhost', 'ecoszzqh_produser', 'cata1og', 'ecoszzqh_products'); $item="FL-ECOmax-"; ?>

ECOmax™ Molded Tiles
Recycled Rubber Flooring

ECOmax™ Molded Recycled Rubber Tiles offer the ultimate in versatility, equally at home indoors and out, in dry conditions or in wet and slushy spaces. Originally designed for rooftops, patios, walkways and pool surrounds, ECOmax is also an excellent choice for weight rooms and workout areas. The footed tile system provides superb drainage and slip-resistance to help prevent slips and falls. Plus, ECOmax provides continuous underfoot comfort and support. Available in two thicknesses and sixteen beautiful colors, ECOmax is sure to meet all your performance needs while enhancing any decor.

Item Number: FL-ECOmax-

Unit of Issue: Sq. Ft.

Price: Quoted

Quote Request

2’ X 2’ Molded Tiles
In 2 Thicknesses In Two Thicknesses
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RID: $ref_RID

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