Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } $items[]="LTLED-LEDFX-WP"; $itemnames[]="WALL PACK LED FIXTURE"; $item="LTLED-LEDFX-W*"; $unit="EA"; $dbcnx = new mysqli('localhost', 'ecoszzqh_produser', 'cata1og', 'ecoszzqh_products'); ?>

 LED High Output Fixtures  

"); }//not print ?>
Wall Packs with LED installed
Wall Pack light for hallways, stairwells, and walk ways in two sizes.
Significant energy savings. Input Voltage: 120 to 480V. US Made.
Wall Pack LED Fixture & Light Wall Pack LED Fixture & Light
LED Watts to HID Equivalent
 Small 17W 100W
32W 250W
 Large 64W 400W
88W 400W
96W 750W
192W 1000W
257W 1500W

64 Watt LED Wall Pack replacing 400W HID

" . "

" . "" . "Quote" . "

 " . "
LED High Bay
Bay Lighting
LED Superpower High Bay
Bay Lighting
LED Canopy Light
& Ceiling
LED Flood Light
Flood Lights
LED High Output Flood Light
H.O. Flood Lights
LED Shoe-box Light
Street &
LED Wall Pack
Wall Packs
" . "" . "" . "©2011 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "    (888) 329-2705" . "" . "" . ""); }else{ echo("" . "" . "
" . "


" . "  << Return to $subcat" . "
" . "" . " ©2011 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "   (888) 329-2705" . "" . "" . "" . " QUOTE " . "" . " PRINT " . "
"); echo("
" . "
" . "
" . "" . "
" . "" . "
"); $getcats = $dbcnx->query("SELECT cat_name,catpage FROM cats ORDER BY cat_name"); if(!$getcats){ $air[]="Could not get categories for menu. Error: "; }else{ while ($row = $getcats->fetch_row()) { echo("" . "
"); }//while fetching cats }//got cats echo("" . "
" . "" . "
"); }//print is no if($ref_RID!=""){ echo("

RID: $ref_RID

"); } ?>