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Healthy, Efficient, Disaster Resistant Products for Better Living

Healthy, Efficient, Disaster Resistant Products for Better Living

Solar Street Light Power AssemblySolar Power Assembly

Item: LT-SSL-Power

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Solar Electric Power Assemblies have riveted aluminum frames and welded mounting brackets to provide durability and flexibility in harsh conditions. Liquid tight plug in connectors and wire harness make installation fast and easy. Unique welded one piece power bracket allows tilting the solar panel assembly for maximum sun exposure.

 Riveted Aluminum Frames and Vented Panel Pans
 Welded Rear Channel Mounting Brackets
 Liquid Tight Connectors and Flex-Tube
 High-Gauge Vented Aluminum Battery Storage Assembly
 Full Wire Harness w/ Battery Cables and Quick Connect Terminals
 Unique Welded One Piece Power Bracket
 Meets 150 MPH Exposure �D� wind force requirements

Solar Modules
Solar Panel
 Single Crystal Solar Panels
 Designed for highest durability
 Allows for smallest size and weight
  for desired output
Deep-Cycle Solar Photovoltaic Batteries
Deep Cycle Battery
 Maintenance Free
 High Durability
 Sealed Gel-Cell
 Non-Spillable, Non Hazardous

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