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Solar Air Conditioning systems use the sun as a heat source to assist the cooling process of a typical air conditioning system. This greatly reduces the energy required to run the compressor. Using the latest advances in cooling technology and combined with a 3-way Filtering system, Solar Air Conditioning offers fresh, cool, clean air for a more comfortable and healthier indoor environment while saving energy and money.

Solar AC - Whole Ducted Building
Building Ducted Systems
Item Number: AC-Solar-
Unit of Issue: Each
Price: Quoted

Quote Request

More Information

 Application Photos PDF

 Energy Comparison PDF

 Environmental Impact PDF

 How It Works PDF

 Special Features


 IRS Commercial Tax Incentives PDF

 IRS energy code PDF


Solar AC
NanoShield Filter 
Eliminates harmful
airborne contaminants 

  More Features

NanoShield Filter
Versatile Applications for Single and Multiple Rooms Solar AC - Ceiling Cassette
Ceiling Cassette

Solar AC - Mounted Ceiling
Mounted Ceiling
Solar AC - Ceiling Concealed
Ceiling Concealed

Solar AC - Mounted Wall
Mounted Wall
Solar AC - Mounted Deluxe
Mounted Deluxe
Solar AC - Standing Floor
Standing Floor