"; $libdotnew = " "; $mycat=$_COOKIE['ecosmartmycat']; $page_name = "catwsave7"; $here=$page_name.".php"; $hereprint=$here."?print=yes"; $mycathere=$page_name.".php"; $page=$page_name;//change folder if needed $prodname="Brac Greywater Systems"; if($mycat!=""){ $mycat_link="Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } $dbcnx = new mysqli('localhost', 'ecoszzqh_produser', 'cata1og', 'ecoszzqh_products'); ?>

Brac Greywater System

Brac Greywater Systems can reduce your home’s water use by 30%. This saves you money while helping to save the environment. A Brac System will pay for itself, and pay dividends in the future with a clean, abundant water supply for our children and their children to come.

Residential Systems
Brac W-125
Brac W-200
Brac W-350
Brac W-450
Brac LB-300
Brac W-500
Brac W-502
Lift Station
Lift Station
Pressure Tanks
Pressure Tanks
Sump Kit
Sump Kit
Item Number: WS-Brac-

Unit of Issue: System

Price: Quoted

Quote Request

Brac Information

Video - Brac as part of a green home WQED

Installation Video YouTube

2008 Catalog PDF

1 Page Flier PDF

Annual Operating Expenses 2009 PDF

Brochure 10-23-07 PDF

Commercial Sizing Questionnaire PDF

Educational Activity


How it works

Illustration - Residential System PDF

Illustration - Commercial System PDF

Installation Example PDF

Installation Example (Prison) PDF

Laundry Savings Data PDF

Power Consumption Report PDF

Pre-Installation Requirements PDF


Testimonial PDF

Video WMV 2.7MB

Certification & Approvals

2008 IAPMO Listing PDF

Florida Plumbing Code Greywater Section PDF

Alachua County, FL PDF

Brevard County, FL PDF

Orange County, FL PDF

Sarasota County, FL PDF

Seminole County, FL PDF

Walton County, FL PDF

West Palm Beach, FL PDF

Georgia Plumbing Code Amendments 2009 PDF

More at Brac Support

Connecting Multiple RGW Systems in Series

Center Feed PDF

Pressure Loop PDF

Commercial & Semi PDF

BRAC Multiple Systems PDF

BRAC Multiple systems Isometric PDF

BRAC Multiple systems Lift Station PDF


BRAC Owner’s Manual PDF

Manual LB-300 PDF

Spec Sheet - Lift Station PDF

Spec Sheet - Pressure Tanks PDF

Spec Sheet CGW-3400 PDF

Spec Sheet CGW-4200 PDF

Spec Sheet CGW-5000 PDF

Spec Sheet CGW-6600 PDF

Spec Sheet CGW-13200 PDF

Spec Sheet CGW-19800 PDF

Spec Sheet RGW-150 PDF

Spec Sheet RGW-250 PDF

Spec Sheet RGW-350 PDF

Spec Sheet RGW-450 PDF

Spec Sheet RGW-500 PDF

Spec Sheet RGW-502 PDF

Spec Sheet SGW-500 to 2000 PDF

Piping Sizes for Installation PDF

CGW-Series Installation Manual PDF

CGW-Series Installation Drawing  PDF

Warranty Forms PDF

Brac Support

Sample Plan Submission for Building Code Approval

Plumbing Network Diagram & Detail EDrawing

Plumbing Network Diagram PDF

Tank Plumbing Detail PDF


SGW2000 - More Info Coming Soon
New January 2009SGW-2000 Sneak Peek!
More info coming soon.
Commercial Capacity Brac Systems
Sized for Institutions & Industry 1110 to 1745 Gallon Capacity
The perfect solution for facilities with up to 180 people who want to save money on their water bill, while helping the environment.
Installation Photos  
Pictures of Brac Unit
Brac Units
Pictures of Brac Installation
Pictures of Brac Installation
Pictures of Brac Installation
Go to Rainwater Harvesting Systems
A Brac System saves
water every day.

Global water consumption has risen almost tenfold since 1900. Many parts of the world are now reaching the limits of their supply. World population is expected to increase by 45% in the next thirty years, while freshwater runoff is expected to increase by 10%. UNESCO has predicted that by 2020 water shortage will be a serious worldwide problem.

It is obvious that we cannot increase demands for water much more without detrimental effects to the environment, society and the economy. It’s time to become water efficient! This involves reassessing our relationship with water, and learning to use it more sparingly. On the most basic level, it requires a behavioural change, and assigning a value to water that truly reflects its worth.

The Brac Greywater System is the solution! It is composed of patented, state-of-the-art components that filter used water from your shower, bath and laundry, and then reuses it for your toilet’s evacuation system.

Contact Eco-$mart for more information.

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