Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } $item="LTIL-E*"; $dbcnx = new mysqli('localhost', 'ecoszzqh_produser', 'cata1og', 'ecoszzqh_products'); ?>  "; ?>

Indoor Induction Lighting

Induction Lighting High Bay
100W High Bay
100W Aluminum
High Bay
150W to 250W High Bay
150W - 250W Aluminum
High Bay
300W High Bay
300W Aluminum
High Bay
100W to 150W Acrylic High Bay
100W - 150W Acrylic
High Bay
Gum Drop High Bay - 250W
250W Acrylic
Gum Drop
IP65 High Bay - 100W to 400W
100W - 400W
IP65 High Bay
Emergency High Bay - 100W
High Bay
Open 400W High Bay
Open 400W
High Bay
Low Bay and Recessed
100W to 200W Low Bay
100W - 200W
Low Bay
Recessed Office Light - 150W
150W Recessed
Office Light
" . "" . "«Induction Lighting" . "    »Self-Ballasted" . "    »Indoor" . "    »Outdoor" . "    »Street" . ""); }//print is not yes ?>
" . "" . "" . "©2010 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "    (888) 329-2705" . "" . "" . ""); }else{ echo("" . "" . "
" . "


" . "  << Return to $subcat" . "
" . "" . "©2010 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "   (888) 329-2705" . "" . "" . "" . " QUOTE " . "" . " PRINT " . "
"); echo("
" . "
" . "
" . "" . "
" . "" . "
"); $getcats = $dbcnx->query("SELECT cat_name,catpage FROM cats ORDER BY cat_name"); if(!$getcats){ $air[]="Could not get categories for menu. Error: "; }else{ while ($row = $getcats->fetch_row()) { echo("" . "
"); }//while fetching cats }//got cats echo("" . "
" . "" . "
"); }//print is no ?>