Adding Value To Our Heroes’ Lives
Eco-$mart is a proud sponsor of the Veteran Program that allows veterans to become a part of a respectful and helpful community and partake in valuable services.
- Eco-$mart partners with Veterans Association to secure excess and available grounds on existing properties.
- We raise donations to fund the construction of homeless veteran residential structures with the help of private donations, corporations, GoFundMe campaigns, and government programs.
- A budget case analysis model is created comprising the expenses of Secure-lock structural system, transportation, slab--construction labor--permits--finishes, furnishing( beds, silverware, and most importantly, rocking chairs on the front porch).
- We also supply all our products for sustainability screening to the non-profit Florida House Institute of Sustainable Development and provide them with a share of the product cost.
- Next up, we hire veterans to be trained on the Secure-lock building system for long-term employment opportunities.
- The Houses are then gifted to VA for ownership, upkeep, and decision of who becomes a resident.
- An affordable rent is decided for the responsible residents
- Lastly, a common area is created for barbecues, bocce ball, and community prosperation.

Let’s Build More Sustainable Living Solutions Together
Prepare to build an eco-friendly, sustainable housing future. Fill the form and we will get back to you in a jiffy to discuss our best course of action for enabling efficient housing solutions.